Top Two Reasons Why You Should Use an Ovulation Calendar

What Exactly is an Ovulation Calendar?

An ovulation calendar is a tracking mechanism that allows you to calculate when you are ovulating in an accurate manner. An ovulation calendar gives you precise information concerning all aspects of your ovulation, the most important of which is the determination of your most fertile days. Women are encouraged to use an ovulation calendar because it promotes reproductive health by providing both women and their physicians with reliable observations about each individual woman’s unique reproductive experiences. Keeping track of your ovulation period is important for many reasons and can give you reliable information about when to have sex for conception purposes, when to use a home pregnancy test, and what you can do to conceive a baby boy or conceive a baby girl.

How do Ovulation Calculators Work?

Many times, women are skeptical of an ovulation calculator’s accuracy. However, ovulation calculators track a woman’s ovulation by tracking the different stages of her mensturual cycle or the periovulatory, ovulatory, and postovulatory stages. This results in an accurate estimation of a woman’s fertility period. By tracking a woman’s menstrual cycle, ovulation calculators are able to pinpoint a woman’s peak fertility days, which generally occur between the 10th and 19th day of a woman’s menstrual cycle. To clarify, as opposed to popular belief, a woman’s complete menstrual cycle is not only the week or so of blood flow, but rather an entire period comprising 28 to 32 days. Ovulation generally occurs 12 to 16 days prior to a woman’s next blood shed. More about ovulation at wikipedia.

How do I use an Ovulation Calculator?

Many ovulation calculators are available online, but in order to use one, you must have a chart documenting details about your menstrual cycle. This will ensure that you get an accurate calculation when you enter information in an online ovulation calculator The calculator can only be as accurate as your entry of information. These rely entirely on your own provision of information. After details such as your age, weight, height, last menstrual period, etc, you will receive a calculation with information about your most fertile days. Then, you can use that information and apply it to either of the following situations:

Identifying Optimum Conception Periods

Determining when a woman is ovulating is vital for couples wanting to get pregnant. This is quite obvious, but couples should have sex during a woman’s ovulation period to increase the chances that an egg can be fertilized. Unless there is a problem with the man’s sperm, he should be able to fertilize any egg as long as it is there to be fertilized. Ovulation calendars allow women and their partners to know exactly when she is releasing an egg and exactly when they should engage in intercourse.

Identifying Safe Sex Periods
In the case of couples not wanting to get pregnant, knowing a woman’s ovulation period is still useful. Obviously, if there is no egg to be fertilized, engaging in sexual intercourse during non-ovulation days cannot result in pregnancy. Some women like to use ovulation calculators as a contraceptive for various reasons. Some women feel sick when taking birth control pills while some men enjoy sex better when their penis is not wrapped in rubber. If you are not going to take a birth control pill, or have your partner use a condom, or take any other contraceptive measures, it is wise to keep a close eye on your cycle and start using an ovulation calculator.

What are Other Indications of Ovulation?

There are observable ways to tell when you are ovulating. Sort of gross, but here goes. During ovulation, you’ll produce more cervical mucus and it will look really thick and sperm-like. Body temperature also increases during ovulation. Another indicator that you are ovulating is a noticeable discomfort in your lower abdomen, lasting upwards of an couple of hours. Okay, now an interesting fact: When women are ovulating, it is said that they become more attractive to males. Various studies have shown that women who are ovulating are more attractive on many levels. Not only does ovulation cause you to dress more provocatively, but it also influences such things as the pitch of your voice and the way you walk (studies show that women who are ovulating sway their hips more when walking). Men are also aware of ovulating women, even if only unconsciously. Studies using exotic dancers and waitresses showed that women who were ovulating earned significantly more in tips than women who were not ovulating. Good luck.

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